Thursday 18 April 2013

Winter Weight


Hi people,

After finally shaking myself off the summer sun and welcoming the cold by insulating myself with warm thick layers clothing and possibly packing a few layers of fat, I've finally decided that there is life in the internet, and not just outdoors. Hence, me blogging.

Okay, I lied. I'm always in front of the computer.

I have a burning question, okay, possibly not a burning question, but a gnawing curiosity.  How much do people gain over autumn/winter? And what is the normal range of weight gain during winter? I always gain weight during winter, and I know why I do. Lack of exercise and having lots of merry-making ;). But why do I gain so much over winter? One winter it was 10kgs. Even though what I eat is quite possibly similar to the people around me? I guess some people may say it is not a big deal since I can shed them off when the warmer days arrive. But for 6 months or more, I'd be lugging them around everywhere I go.

So this year, I am going to maintain my weight or even try to lose some. My strategy would be maintain my 3  times a week exercise regime, drink lots of warm water, have a healthy diet.

Let's see how it goes.

So much for my personal self-introduction.
Warm Dunedin

Signing off,

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