Tuesday 23 April 2013

Very Berry Fruit Salad

So I woke up late this morning and felt like a fruity day - hence the very berry fruit salad. I'm someone who absolutely loves breakfast and feel weirdly incomplete without it. Skipping breakfast is a bad habit to fall in to. You're likely to snack on junk through out the day if you miss breakfast, resulting in weight gain.
In NZ, berries are hard to get a hold of, unless it's peak summer time. I usually have frozen berries and munch on them as a snack. But today, for some awesome reason, there were fresh blueberries and strawberries in the fridge yay!

Aren't berries just the best? They're packed with anti-oxidants (inhibits oxidation which causes free radicals to damage cells in your body), chrologenic acid (helps control blood glucose for those with diabetes), vitamins C, A and E and some B-complex vitamins, dietary fibre, manganese and very low in sodium, cholesterol and fats! All of this packed in these tiny delicious berries - how awesome is that?

If you can't get a hold of fresh berries, try frozen ones. They're just as amazing! Also perfect for quick smoothies and to top your morning cereal, porridge or just simple have it as a snack :)
Keep it real,


PS. Have you guys read Interpreter of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri? It's a bunch of cool short stories. You kind of forget you're reading at times - I'm hooked!

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